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Cytopathology Department


  Available Tests : 15

Aspirated Fluid Cytology

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Buccal Smear Cytology

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Buccal Smear for Barr Bodies

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Core Biopsy (Tru Cut) Guided

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

CT Scan Guided Biopsy with Bone Trephine

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Doing Core Biopsy (Tru Cut)

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Doing FNAC (More than 2 sites)

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Doing FNAC & Interpretation

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Doing Pap smear & Interpretation

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

FNAC slide Examination

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Mucosal Scraping Cytology

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Pap Smear (Vaginal)

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Peripheral Smear for Drumstick

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Sputum Cytology

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Squash Smear

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *
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