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Haematology Department


  Available Tests : 49

Clot Reaction Time

  • Turn around time : 1hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : b

Clot Solubility Test

  • Turn around time : 1day
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : b

Clotting Time

  • Turn around time : 1hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : w

Coagulation Profile

  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : w

Cold Antibody Lysis Test

  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : b

Complete Blood Count

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : v

Complete Blood Count advanced CBC

  • Turn around time : 1hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : w

Complete Haemogram

  • Turn around time : daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : m

Coombs Direct (Anti Globulin)

  • Turn around time : 2hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : e

Coombs Indirect(Antiglobulin)

  • Turn around time : 2hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : g

Cortisol (One Time)

  • Turn around time : 2hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : r


  • Turn around time : 1hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : w

Differential Count

  • Turn around time : 2ml
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : w


  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : w


  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is preferred. Give brief clinical history.


  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is preferred. Give brief clinical history

Fibrinogen clotting activity

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is preferred. Duly filled coagulation Requisition form (form 15) is mandatory.

G-6-PD quantitative

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No special requirement


  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Special Requirement

L.E.Cell Phenomenon

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirements

Lupus Anticoagulant

  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is preferred


  • Turn around time : 48 hours post injection
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirement


  • Turn around time : 1hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirement


  • Turn around time : 1hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirement
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